Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Printable Paper doll inside out.

Printable Paper dolls

Are figures cut out of paper, with separate clothes and folding tabs. They have been inexpensive children's toys for almost 200 years. Today, many artists are turning paper dolls into an form of art.Printable Paper Doll
Paper dolls have been used for advertising, first appeared in magazines and newspapers, and covered a variety of subjects and time periods. They have become collectibles, especially as vintage paper dolls become rarer due to the limited lifespan of paper objects. Printable paper dolls are still being created today.
Printable paper dolls have regained popularity with young children featuring popular characters and celebrities. Online and virtual paper dolls also have a popular following, with users able to drag and drop clothes onto images of dolls or actual people.

Fashion printable paper dolls

Are printable paper dolls designed to reflect fashion trends or occasionally fantasy play. The dolls are made of vinyl or another plastic, and are manufactured both as toys and as collectibles. They are enjoyed by many people. The dolls are usually modeled after teen girls or adult women, though child, male, and even some non-human variants exist. Sizes range from 10.5 inches - 270 mm to 24 inches - 610 mm, there are of course some special cases that fall outside this range: 11.5 inches - 290 mm is the size of the Barbie doll, by Mattel, who set quite a standard for many years in this arena. Gene Marshall from Ashton-Drake and Tyler Wentworth from Tonner are 15 and 16 inches - 380 and 410 mm respectively. These two printable paper dolls created a surge of interest among adult collectors.

Costumers, seamstresses and other creative individuals find the fashion printable paper doll to be a great personal canvas for their work along with creating fashions, some individuals repaint faces, reroot hair, or occasionally do other alterations. Many of these works are one-of-a-kind. These artists are not officially connected to the original manufacturers of the dolls, but their work has in turn become sought after by some collectors. Fashion Dolls may have some historic relationship to small scaled figures and mannequins dressed by tailors and dressmakers to display fashions of their times.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Printable Paper Dolls Overview

Paper doll is a tradition old as history itself. Since old times, many cultures have made paper representations of people to serve as ritual or ceremonial items. The first paper doll, as we now know them, was the playthings of 17th century high society. Paper dolls have been used as toys, advertisements, and educational tools for the better part of three centuries.

The Internet is overcrowded with free and paid printable paper dolls. There are countless varieties from vintage styled printable paper doll to paper dolls inspired by television and movie characters. Because printable paper doll is so popular online I'm just going to point out some of the more remarkable ones.

Anita's Paper Dolls

Anita's Paper Dolls

This printable paper doll is probably the coolest things in the world. These illustrations - color them yourself btw, are awesome. I'm really impressed by the artist's ability to render the various outfits worn by Mrs. Slocombe and by her inclusion of Mr. Humphrey's tingaling shorts.

Making Friends Paper Dolls

This printable paper doll is phenomenal educational tools for children.They are excellent for teaching gender, occupation, parts of the body, pronouns, illustrating social stories, discussing clothing, etc. These printable paper dolls can be used to teach a variety of lessons and will grow with your child as you teach more complex concepts. There are no tabs or slides to fuss with. Just cut and glue. For reusable paper dolls consider laminating and adding velcroe dots.

Marilee's Printable Paper Dolls

Each and every wonderful printable paper doll one could imagine has been neatly compiled, sorted, organized, and reviewed by Ms. Marilee. What a printable paper doll! This is my favorite one of paper dolls. Find it and enjoy.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Printable Barbie Paper Dolls

Printable Barbie paper dolls first appeared on the scene in 1962, three years after the Barbie doll was invented (in 1959). The first Barbie printable paper doll was produced by the Western Publishing Co. under Mattel Inc. license. This first line of paper dolls was based on the Barbie doll and doll-clothing patterns.Printable Barbie Paper Doll

There were several artists who produced paper dolls throughout history. Al Anderson and Barb Raush as well as Tony Tierney created paper dolls from the 1960’s to 1980s’. In 1988 Linda Peck and Marilyn Gandre produced a set of collectible Barbie paper dolls for the Mattel Corp. These paper dolls were nostalgic blonde Barbie, nostalgic brunette Barbie, and nostalgic Barbie and Ken printable paper dolls. These dolls were hand painted and packaged in elegant graphics portfolios. Each of the paper dolls were 11½ inch scale and included 16 authentic printable doll clothing patterns.

In 1994 Mattel approached Peck and Aubrey to create a series of 35th anniversary printable Barbie paper dolls. These paper dolls were Barbie #1 (in 1959),and Barbie Bubblecut (in 1961-1962), and American Barbie Girl with bendable knees (in 1965). These dolls were made with a new process using actual photos of Barbie to create more lifelike printable paper dolls.

Printable Barbie paper dolls are very popular for scrapbooks and collections. These paper doll patterns can really enhance your pages. Paper dolls are offered in many different printable colors and design patterns for dressing up your Barbie dolls. You can make your own printable Barbie paper dolls using templates found in pattern books or sometimes over the internet. Some of these are printable for free and some you can purchase for a small price.

You can make your own printable paper doll using a method called photo real. This was the method made popular in 1994 by Peck Aubrey. When you make your own printable Barbie paper dolls it can be an enjoyable and creative experience and give your scrapbook a personal touch.

Printable Paper Doll © 2009